
1. to honour one's memory by means of an observation or a ceremony
2. to serve as a memorial to

Ex:The Memorial Day speech became an occasion for Veterans, Politicians and Ministers to commemorate the War – and at first to rehash the atrocities of the enemy.


1. righteousness, moral virtue or rightness of conduct or values 
2. correctness in procedure or judgement
 3. straightness

Ex: The rectitude displayed by him was admired by his followers.


1. an instrument or device consisting of a spinning wheel, mounted on a base so that its axis can turn freely in any direction thereby maintaining its orientation without regard to any movement of the base

Ex1: Gyroscopes have several applications one of which is in the auto-pilot navigation system of an aeroplane.

Ex2: Besides swapping out the old camera and science data unit, they will replace Hubble's batteries, gyroscopes and a pointing mechanism.


1. voracious, hungry, greedy or famished
2. predatory, avaricious or rapacious
3. eager or greedy for food, gratification or satisfaction.

Ex: His ravenous need to be wealthy destroyed him.


1. (n.) a comic character usu. wearing a mask, tights and holding a wooden sword or magic wand
2. (n.) a buffoon; clown
3. (adj.) variegated with marks; varied in colour or decoration.

Ex: Most children love going to the circus in order to be able to enjoy the antics of harlequins.


1. to prepare by mixing ingredients
2. devise or make up using skill and intelligence
3. contrive or fabricate

Ex: He concocted a sumptuous meal from all the leftovers in the refrigerator.


1. (n.) a connoisseur of fine food and drink
2. (adj.) elaborately equipped for the preparation of exotic meals
3. (adj.) pertaining to skilful preparation of fancy foods

Ex1: He is a good gourmet in the movie the Rataouille.

Ex2:A gourmet was engaged to approve of the food for the banquet.


1. delinquency or neglection
2. a state or act of abandoning
3. recession of water resulting in dry land

Ex: Britain's historic farm buildings are under threat from disuse, dereliction and "horror" conversions, English Heritage is warning.


1. someone who is suffering from paraplegia
2. one who is afflicted by the paralysis of the lower half of the body due to some injury to the spinal cord

Ex: The paraplegic in the hospital refused medication as he did not wish to live any longer. 


 A club-like armour-breaking weapon with a spiked metal head, used chiefly in the Middle Ages

Ex: Several maces from the middle ages were on display at the museum


1. (adj.) pertaining to bankruptcy
2. (adj.) unable to pay debts
3. (n.) a person who is bankrupt

Ex: The company was declared insolvent as it could not repay its creditors.


1. (tr.v.) to postpone, delay or put off for later
2. (tr.v.) to delay a person's induction into military service
3. (intr.v.) to postpone or procrastinate

Ex: He deferred his admission to the university.


1. over-confident, lacking good judgement or immature
2. pertaining to or characteristic of sophomores

Ex: His sophomoric thoughts landed him in trouble.


an organized massacre of helpless people esp. those of jews

Ex: The holocaust against Jews during world war II was the most ghastly pogrom ever witnessed by mankind.


Absinthe is a high concentrated made from the medicinal plant known as wormwood. (mostly available in green colour).

Ex: I would rather not go and speak to a man who drank two glasses of absinthe. ( Too dangerous, Don ever attempt a try)


Retain (Ant. Relinquish)
Meaning : Possess something

Ex : Even after his mistress scolded him,Tom retained his nature of chasing Jerry :-)


1)Voluntarily cease to claim.
2) To give up or renounce

Ex: Tom relinquished his rights to kill jerry . (Lucky Jerry and good Tom :-))


1. people who are well-born and well-bred
2. those who are in a class below nobility but are entitled to own large tracts of land and a coat of arms
3. the state of being a gentleman

Ex: Only gentry were allowed into the palace.


1. (n.) an oval shaped building having tiers of seats around a central open area or stage
2. (n.) an arena in ancient Rome used for gladiator fights
2. (n.) a stadium

Ex: An ultra modern amphitheatre was being built for the Olympic Games.


1. (n.) an authoritative order that has the force of law
2. (n.) one that is foreordained
3. (tr.v.) to dictate or establish by decree
4. (intr.v.) to ordain

Ex: Decree cannot be ignored.


to loathe, detest, abominate or hate

Ex: He abhorred people who gossiped.


resolutely fearless; brave; courageous

A bold and intrepid spirit is necessary to join the armed forces of our country


(n.) Appearance.

Ex: The undercover detective, under the guise of friendship, offered to help the drug runner make a connection.


1.Impassably or extremely steep
2.resembling a sheer drop; extremely

Ex: The precipitous cliffs of the North Atlantic coast.


propriety or appropriateness of conduct

Ex: She insisted on decorum being maintained at all times in the office.


to beat or denounce severely.

Ex: Muslim leaders on the other hand lambasted United States, calling the killing as “illegal” and one which was “without proper judicial trial.”


 a person who compiles or edits a dictionary

A dedicated lexicographer had compiled a dictionary containing a million words.


unable to describe in words; indescribable

Ex: The ineffable joy of a woman becoming a mother is well documented in the literature of almost every language


1. pleasing or agreeable in nature
2. friendly or having a pleasant disposition
3. compatible or having similar temperament

Ex: The congenial host saw to it that all his guests were enjoying themselves.


1. (n.) a vigorous struggle
2. (n.) a practice game
3. (intr. v.) to engage in a rough struggle

Ex: Some spectators said that the scrimmage was more like an arena full of battling gladiators.


1. scarcity, inadequacy or shortage
2. famine

Ex: There was a dearth of intellectuals in the organization.


1. a philosopher, thinker or scholar
2. one who is skilled at reasoning or arguing adroitly or speciously

 He considered himself to be a sophist


1. lacking or in need of basic needs; impoverished
2. one who is in need; a destitute

Ex: The number of indigent people in our country is shocking and outrageous.


1. a person belonging to the working class of society
2. The  poorest class of people

Ex: The merchants always took advantage of the proletarians.


 An excess of words used in speech or writing.
The style of expressing oneself in words.

Ex: The lecturer always resorted to fanciful verbiage when attempting to explain a point.


extremely ornate, elaborate, chic or complicated

Ex: The rococo design of her penthouse was appreciated.


Ordinary people, as distinct from professionals or experts

Ex: The laity do not participate in the papal elections.


The practice or art of choosing, cooking, and eating good food

Ex: He said that he was so hungry he would eat anything but if presented with a choice he would prefer Chinese gastronomy


Particularly good to eat

Ex: A dainty chocolate.


1. harsh, hoarse, rough or strident
2. rowdy, boisterous, loud or disorderly

Ex: His raucous tone was unpleasant to listen to.


to accuse; charge with fault; blame; incriminate

Ex: Mom inculpated the child because of his naughty behaviour


Swollen and distended or congested
Ex: He suffered from turgid veins.


Provoke or challenge (someone) with insulting remarks.
Ex : Students began taunting her about her weight.


Modest or shy because of a lack of self-confidence.
Ex: A diffident girl finds it hard to speak on the stage.


(adj.) Having proportionate and orderly parts.

Ex: The challenge for the new conductor was to mold his musicians' talents into a harmonious orchestra.


Oppressively solemn or sober in mood; grave, gloomy
Ex: He looked at her with a somber expression


(adj.) Proud of oneself and scornful of others.

Ex 1: The haughty ways she displayed her work turned off her peers.

Ex 2: The haughty girl displayed her work as if she were the most prized artist.


(n.) Speculation; representative way of thinking

Ex 1: His ideology proved to be faulty.

Ex 2: The ideology of business can be found in the new book.

Ex 3: He joined the religious group because he agreed with their ideology


Show feelings of superiority; be patronizing.

Ex: A condescending smile